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Harambes Revenge



Prepare for the Epic Barrage of Harambes Revenge!

300 Fanned Rapid Fire Comets, Strobing Tails, and Whistles

Get Ready for a Night of Unforgettable Fireworks

Brace yourselves for the return of Harambe's Revenge, a colossal 300-shot, 500-gram repeater that promises an unforgettable fireworks extravaganza. This awe-inspiring display will unleash a mesmerizing array of 300 fanned comets, each crackling with vibrant colors and trailing strobing tails. The sky will erupt with a symphony of whistles, creating an ethereal soundscape that will captivate and energize the audience.

Share the joy and excitement with your loved ones and the world by capturing and sharing videos of the spectacular display. Harambes Revenge is back and ready to ignite the night with an epic barrage of pyrotechnic artistry. Prepare yourself for a truly unforgettable fireworks experience.
